Does cedar repel mice? Stop listening to the experts

The thought of mice running around in your home can be both alarming and unpleasant. Because of this, many people are turning to natural methods for repelling them, such as using cedar. The idea behind using cedar is that its scent is said to deter rodents from entering an area or making a home there. While the use of cedar might make for some peace of mind for those facing pest issues, does it work? 

In this blog post, we will discuss the effectiveness of cedar as a means of repelling mice and other rodents, taking into account scientific evidence surrounding its efficacy.

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The claim that cedar repels mice

Some experts are making the argument that cedar can be effective in keeping mice away. They argue that its strong scent has compounds that mess up rodents' sense of smell and make them want to stay clear of areas where it's been used. On the market, you'll find products derived from cedar like shavings, chips, and essential oils promising to repel mice with their actively aromatic concentration.

Unfortunately, it seems like there isn't any definitive proof yet of whether cedar chips are more effective than conventional methods for getting rid of mice. Future studies may provide us with a clear answer, but until then using cedar chips as a form of rodent control requires caution and close monitoring.

The evidence for and against cedar as a mouse repellent

There is a popular belief that cedar can be used to effectively repel mice and other rodents, which has resulted in many people recommending its use as an effective pest control solution. However, scientific research on this matter is inconclusive at best. Some studies have shown that certain components of cedar oil can act as an irritant or even toxin for mice, while others suggest it simply serves as a mild repellent. However, these results are varied and no reliable conclusion can yet be made regarding the efficacy of using cedar against these pests.

It seems that many of the studies done on this topic have some limitations. For instance, some experiments only used extracts from cedar wood or cedar oil in a lab setting and didn't look at what happens when you use live cedar around the house. It's also unclear if certain species are more responsive to the repellent than others, which makes it hard to draw any definitive conclusions about its effectiveness against mice.

Given these findings, there isn't an answer that experts can confidently provide to this question. But, experimenting with different approaches could help depending on your context. We need more research and reliable results before we can confidently say whether cedar is an effective option for rodent control or not.


Other factors to consider when trying to repel mice

Maintaining a clean and organized living space is key to reducing the risks of attracting mice. This means ensuring that any crumbs or food waste are properly disposed of, vacuuming regularly and routinely checking for signs of possible entry points such as cracks in walls or foundations. All these measures can help reduce the chances of exploring rodents setting up camp in your home.

In addition to cleaning up after yourself, there are other effective ways that you can secure your home from unwelcome visitors like rodents or small animals such as mice. Sealing potential entryways with caulk, steel wool, expanding foam insulation or wire mesh is a great way to prevent them from infiltrating your domain. Consider also investing in some humane traps which allow you to capture and release them safely back into the wild when necessary.

When it comes to repelling little critters like mice away from enclosed spaces like attics or basements then cedarwood has been suggested by some experts as an option. However, this alone cannot be relied upon reliably given its lack of verifiable scientific evidence proving effectiveness against mouse intrusion reduction. The smell of cedar might be a good way to protect from pests looking for a warm place in the winter, but it's not a stand-alone solution for mice infestations. You should also consider other methods.


It is easy to fall into the trap of believing in conventional wisdom, especially when it comes to keeping pests away. In particular, some claim that cedar repels mice and other rodents. Unfortunately, many of these claims have limited scientific backing or are completely false.

Despite its popularity, cedar is not a guaranteed solution for repelling mice. If you are dealing with an infestation of mice, it is important to seek out professional help and consider viable solutions such as traps or rodenticides. Even though natural options like cedar may sound appealing, they can be ineffective and in many cases merely mask the problem without actually solving it.

At the same time, however, proper use of cedar oil can serve as a supplemental measure when used in conjunction with appropriate extermination methods by trained professionals.

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