Bee Kind: 8 Ways to Get Rid of Bees Without Killing Them

Bees are an essential part of our natural environment, creating a vital link in the food chain. Without bees, we’d have no pollination, and many plants and animals would become extinct. That said, it can be quite understandable to feel apprehensive when you encounter them around your home or garden.

The good news is that it’s possible to get rid of bees without killing them – there are some simple steps you can take to ensure they find another place to nest without entering any areas where people live. In this article, we will look at eight different ways you can use humane methods for getting rid of bees from places where their presence may not be welcome

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Understand why bees are in your space

Bees are integral members of our ecosystem, although they can be incredibly pesky when they take up residence in or around your home. Whether you have spotted honey bees hovering near your garden flowers or a wasp nest outside your bedroom window, don’t panic. It is important to understand why bees are present and how best to remove them without harming them—or yourself.

It’s natural for bees to seek out shelter that offers protection and meets their nutritional needs. Some common sources of food and shelter for bees include gardens, trees, shrubs, flowerbeds, and compost. They are also attracted to nectar-rich flowers that contain large quantities of pollen as well as man-made structures like sheds or fences. Additionally, they may move into small gaps in eaves or siding because it provides them with wind and rain protection.  

How to get rid of bees without killing them

Remove attractants

Removing attractants is the most important step in deterring bees without killing them. Foods like soda, sweets, fruits, and even meats can quickly draw large numbers of bees to an area. To discourage them from settling nearby, it's essential to remove bird feeders or any other sources of sugar water (like hummingbird feeders) and ensure that no food scraps are left outside. If possible, store pet food indoors too; this will help keep the ground clear for a bee-free zone.

It's also important to make sure they can't find any nesting spots. Check around your home or business for sheltered areas like underneath roof eaves and patios that might be appealing to pests. If any of these sites are being used seal them off with caulk or other materials. Don’t forget to remove items like tires, buckets, crates, and flower pots - these offer perfect places for bees to create their nests.

Lastly, try planting some ornamental grasses near building entrances instead of flowering shrubs. The nectar found in blooms is often attractive to bees, but if there's not a secure shelter for them nearby they'll just move on and look for something else sweet. Making this switch can make all the difference when it comes to keeping those overstaying visitors happy!

Soap and water


Making homemade bee repellent is a great way to get rid of bees without having to harm them. It's easy, all you need are some simple ingredients and a spray bottle, then mix it all. The mixture consists of dish soap, white vinegar, citrus oil, and water. Once you've finished this up simply spray it around the areas where bees have accumulated and they'll be gone in no time!

When using this solution near bees, it's important to use caution. Aiming directly at them could stir them up and may lead to more problems, rather than deterring them. It's best used in areas where their nests are hidden like eaves or outside window frames. Take care not to aim it at flowering plants either. Just try and treat the surrounding surfaces close by and don't use too much - otherwise, you might attract other flying insects with the moisture!

Use smoke

Smoke is an effective way to repel or remove bees without killing them. The use of smoke invokes an instinct in bees to leave their hive, as they perceive it as the danger posed by fire, and flee towards sweeter-smelling areas. If done safely and with consideration for the environment, smoke can be used relatively easily to drive away wild bee hives from around your property. Depending on the situation, you may also be able to powerfully persuade managed honeybee colonies out of locations.

You need some kind of smoker for this – it usually has an inner compartment where you put fuel such as wood pellets or shredded newspaper, and an outer chamber that produces the Smoke when oxygen enters through the bottom on burning. A standard hand-held smoker may not be very efficient though, so it's worth investing in a good bee smoker to get more quality smoke quickly enough before the fire dies out.

A bee trap


If you need to get rid of some bees, creating a DIY bee trap is the way to go. All it takes is an empty soda bottle, tape, and either duct, electrical or masking tape. Cut off the bottom of the bottle and invert it onto the top half that's still intact so you have a sort of cup shape. Secure this in place with your chosen tape then add bait like sugar water and overripe fruit peels. You can also make pollen patties by mixing powdered sugar, honey, and water as bait too!

Find a spot outside to hang your bee trap, making sure it's away from footpaths where people could walk by. Double check there aren't any gaps between the pieces of your trap so trapped ones can't get out. Check on it each day and when it is full transfer them somewhere else for release!



Cinnamon can be a great natural solution for preventing and getting rid of bees around your home without using harmful chemicals or resorting to violence. As cinnamon is incredibly fragrant, with its strong smell confusing the memory-based navigation of flying insects, it’s often used as an effective way to alleviate bee problems in residential locations.

You don't need to put it directly onto or around the bees, but instead, sprinkle some around areas where they may enter - like windows and doors. You can also try dampening some clothes with cinnamon and setting them outside in places that are frequented by bees.

It might take some time to see results, but if you are persistent in using fresh supplies over several days, you could find a significant difference in the level of bee repulsion. Just be aware that although this natural solution is usually effective when used regularly, it's not entirely foolproof and an individual or swarm may still pass through your area despite your efforts. That said, with enough time, you may just experience miraculous results!

Use a decoy

A decoy is a great way to get rid of bees without killing them. By strategically placing a fake hive near or around the real one, you can provide an attractive alternative for the bees to relocate and establish their home. The decoy must look genuine so consider getting one professionally made by your local beekeeper or even making it yourself using natural materials like wood, branches, and wax paper! With patience and persistence, most colonies will eventually move into the artificial hive. Simply remove it once they are gone as this is much more humane than trying to exterminate them outright.

Citronella spray


Citronella sprays can be an effective and humane way to get rid of the bees in your vicinity. It is a natural ingredient that has been proven to work as an insect repellent, and it's safe enough for our environment. The scent of citronella deters bees, but it won't harm them or kill them either.

To use citronella, simply spray it around the vicinity that you want to keep bees away from! This can be done thoughtfully and with care around the windows and doors of your home. Then when a bee approaches, the smell will deter them before they get too close. Citronella sprays may require frequent applications depending on certain conditions such as the frequency of rain or increases in temperature for example.

Seek professional help

It is best to enlist the help of a professional beekeeper or pest control service if you are experiencing an issue with bees. This method provides the safest solution for both humans and animals alike, as it allows professionals to safely relocate or remove the bees without killing them.

If there is even a chance that they are honeybees, it is important to contact a local beekeeper as soon as possible. Honeybees have an invaluable role in our ecosystems. Beekeepers have the expertise and knowledge to safely relocate hives.


When dealing with bee infestations, it is important to be mindful of responsible removal practices. Killing bees should only be used as a last resort if other methods are unsuccessful.  In most cases, it is possible to remove bees without harming them. Instead, opt for humane and eco-friendly practices that use natural methods to deter the bees from staying in your home or property. Methods such as eliminating bee attractants, cutting off their access to water and food sources, using an efficient bee smoker, or hiring a professional to help eliminate bees without harming them.

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