How To Get Rid Of Beetles In Basement (Complete Guide)

Beetles are the most massive order of insects, with an approximated 350,000 described species. They come in numerous shapes, colors, and sizes.

Perhaps the most common species are the lady beetles which hunt and eat soft-bodied insects, and the ground beetles, which are important predators of caterpillars, ants, aphids, worms, slugs, and more. 

These mostly harmless pests typically invade homes searching for stored grains, packaged foods, wood, fabric, and plants. They are also attracted to artificial lights coming out of your home. 

Beetles may also invade homes seeking shelter, especially when the weather becomes cold outdoors. And sometimes, homeowners may bring the pests unknowingly via infested items. 

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How Do Beetles Invade Basements? 

Once inside your home, ground beetles will proceed to your basement in search of cooler, damp conditions. From the outdoors, ground beetles can enter the basement through cracks, small spaces, and tiny openings on the home's foundation. 

Beetles typically hide in gaps and cracks on the basement's walls and floor. They also hide in clutter and underneath boxes. While here, ground beetles feed on other insects like ants and worms to survive. 

If beetles have become a problem in your basement, don't panic! And don't go ballistic either! Seriously, the bugs are way more alarmed than you are. So relax and find the best way to get rid of beetles in basement. 

Luckily, our pest experts have done all the research to save you time and help you get rid of beetles in the basement. This comprehensive guide on how to get rid of beetles in the basement guarantees efficient and successful extermination results.

How To Get Rid Of Beetles In Basement 

The biggest sign of beetle infestation in the basement is the appearance of the beetles themselves. And though these nuisance pests will rarely cause any structural or aesthetic damages in the basement, it's vital that you get rid of them fast and effectively. 

Unfortunately, most home and business owners tend to confuse beetles with household pests like roaches. This results in problems when controlling the bugs, often providing ineffective results. 

Successful beetle extermination begins with properly identifying the pests invading. Perhaps you're confused and aren't sure which bugs have infested your basement? In that case, consider calling a pest control expert to help out. 


As noted above, effective beetles treatment begins with identifying the actual bugs invading. You must ensure that you are dealing with beetles! 

Improper pest identification will undoubtedly result in the wrong treatment and improper control tactics. This makes the entire treatment process tedious and a complete waste of time and money. 

Consider the following when identifying beetles before treatment:

  • There are numerous beetles species existing today. At first glance, all beetles may appear similar. But on a closer look, you will quickly notice that different beetles have varying shapes, sizes, and colors. However, all beetle species share some basic characteristics like six legs, chewing mouthparts, a pair of antennae, and shell-like wings. 
  • All beetles possess two sets of wings. And their bodies are covered by a tough shell that protects these wings used for flying. 

Beetles are seldom harmful to humans. And though categorized as a harmless pest, they can damage plants and vegetation. When they invade homes, beetles have been shown to destroy fabrics, furniture and contaminate food. That's why they must be exterminated as soon as they infest! 


Once you have identified the bugs and confirmed that you have a beetles problem, the next crucial step is to do a thorough inspection of your entire basement. The inspection is geared towards identifying beetles' activity areas, hiding spots, and the factors attracting them to your property. 

Basements are particularly vulnerable to beetles because they have damp, cool, and dark conditions, which the bugs like. Less human traffic also makes basements a safe hiding spot for beetles. 

Sometimes beetles can be brought into the basement via items you recently bought. And when conditions become unfavorable outdoors, for instance, when temperatures drop, beetles will seek a warmer shelter in your basement. 

Consider the following common beetle hiding spots when inspecting: 

  • Furniture and carpets 
  • Rugs and along baseboards 
  • Cardboard boxes and clutter
  • Cracks and gaps in walls and flooring. 

What To Look For:

You are primarily looking for signs of beetle infestation in your basement. These includes the beetles themselves, their larvae, and any damages caused. Beetles are like your ordinary insect, with a head, thorax, abdomen, and six legs. They also have wings but what distinguishes them from other winged insects is that their first pair of wings is hard and thick. 

Beetle larvae closely resemble worms but with small hairs and a hard head. You're likely to find beetle larvae in baseboards and tufts of furniture. Beetles will often damage clothing, packaged foods, and furniture. 


By now, you're certain that you have a beetle problem in your basement. The next step is to begin effective beetle treatment. The most critical thing is to get a product specifically designed to control the beetle species causing you trouble.

Keenly read the product labeling and strictly follow the provided application guidelines. You must wear appropriate (PPE) to avoid direct contact with the pesticides. 

Note that the best beetle treatments are designed to exterminate beetles and prevent chances of re-infestations effectively. 

How To Prevent Beetle Infestations In Basement 

After effectively getting rid of beetles in the basement, you will have to take proper measures to ensure they do not reinfest.

Here are expert tips on how to keep beetles away from your basement:

  • Keep your basement properly organized and sparkling clean at all times. Waste and clutter attract beetles and other types of insects. If there are any trash cans, ensure the lid is properly secured every time after use. 
  • Inspect the foundation of your home and seal all cracks, gaps, and crevices. In case there are any cracks on the flooring and walls, fill them with caulk. 
  • Get rid of any unused packaged foods and seal the foods you wish to keep in airtight containers. 
  • Consider using yellow bug lights outdoors as they do not attract beetles and other invasive pests. 
  • Any bushes and trees close to your home should be trimmed. Walls should not come in contact with vegetation or trees as they make it easier for beetles to access your home.

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