How Long Will A Spider Stay In Your Room ? (Find Out!)

While some spider species have a lifespan of less than one year, others can live up to 20 years! Unfortunately, however, these mainly harmless pests face many dangers like extermination; hence, they often die before reaching ripe old age. 

Unless exterminated or eaten by other animals, spiders are incredibly resilient! They can survive for many months without food and water. These creepy crawlies multiply rather quickly, and they will rapidly colonize your room if left be.

When a spider invades your room, you can expect a long residency. Generally, a spider will stay in your room as long as there are enough insects to feed on- unless, of course, you decide to kill or sweep it out. 

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How Long Will A Spider Stay In Your Room? 

Technically, how long will a spider stay in your room depends on how well it hides/how long you allow it/ if there's enough food in your room.

For one thing, spiders prefer to avoid human contact by all means. In fact, they are way more afraid of you than you are of them. They usually don't bite humans because they are not bloodsuckers. Instead, spiders feed on a massive range of insects, including moths, flies, mosquitoes, etc.

Some homeowners consider spiders a very beneficial pest. They are ranked as one of the best biological pest control. These people prefer to keep spiders longer in their rooms. That's because they can significantly reduce insect populations while also preventing other pesky insects from invading.

On the flip side, the scary appearance and quick erratic movement of these leggy creatures freak out some homeowners. The mere sight of a spider makes them shudder, and they are quick to get rid of the insect or kill it as soon as they spot it.

Most spiders are perfect hiders. For instance, though commonly found outdoors, hunting spiders can also enter homes. They don't rely on webs to catch prey. Instead, they are extremely agile and have a keen eyesight that allows them to hunt for prey actively.

Hunting spiders commonly hunt at night and spend the day hiding in cracks and underneath objects. So you will rarely spot them in your room. How long a hunting spider stays in your room depends on how well it hides. 

On the flip side, once a web-spinning spider spins a wed, it remains motionless, lying in wait for prey to land on the web. These spiders are very patient and won't move around to draw attention or make insects less likely to get caught in the web.

Web-spinning spiders are easy to spot as they often spin their webs in the corner of rooms where most insects hang out. If you let web-spinning spiders live, they will only stay in your room as long as there are enough insects to feed on.

Generally, spiders only need to catch one or two flies every 7 days, and they'll be happy to stay in your room. Most common house spiders can live for many months, sometimes up to a year. So, you can expect some extended company in your room.


What Attracts Spiders To My Room? 

The thing about spiders is they can only invade your room for a reason. And until you figure out that reason, you're most likely going to have a very hard time trying to get rid of the pest. Say you successfully lure spiders out of your room; the high chances are that they will keep coming back time after time. Hence, you must get rid of spider attractants in your room. 

Below are factors that attract spiders to your room: 

  • Insects: Spiders are constantly searching for food. If there is a food source in your room, for instance, other pests, these opportunistic invaders can exploit your room. 
  • Weather conditions: Spiders will seek protection from harsh weather conditions in your room. You will often find them hiding in the warm, dry, and dark corners of your room, where they'll likely be safe and comfortable. 
  • Entry points: Spiders can easily enter your room via open doors, windows, and air vents. They are very flexible and can access your room through unsealed holes and small cracks in window screens. 
  • Moisture: Some spider species are attracted to moist environments. They are mostly found in basements, walls, and corners of your room.

Are spiders attracted to light? It might seem as though some spiders are attracted to light. However, the primary reason why spiders appear in places with a light source is because of the presence of bugs. Lights are surrounded by flying insects, which attract spiders to that area.

Is It Okay If I Leave Spiders In My Room? 

It might be hard to convince most people, but let's just try. If you can stomach their sight, it is very much okay to leave spiders in your room.

Spiders are very beneficial insects both in nature and in our great indoors. These industrious arachnids are rarely aggressive and almost always harmless. If they sense your presence, spiders will run away in fear of you as a predator that will eat them.

And while they avoid your presence, these unwelcome guests may be providing important services like eating invasive pests. Some spiders even hunt other spiders using their nests- they mimic predators and catch their cousins for dinner.

There is a boatload of other reasons why it's okay to leave spiders in your room: 

  • Spiders are harmless- More than 4,000 different spider species can be found in the United States, most of which are very harmless to humans. Sure, some species have venom and can bite when cornered, but spider venom is too weak to cause any serious problems in humans. Again, spider species that can be potentially deadly for humans usually nest outdoors. 
  • Spiders are not aggressive- Most spider species are generally carnivorous predators, apt to eat anything they can trap or hunt down. However, they mainly capture nuisance and disease-causing insects like mosquitoes. Spiders are not out to eat humans! They are so scared of people and cannot attack unless in self-defense.
  • Spiders are beneficial predators- Smashing or exterminating a spider doesn't just cost the insect its life; evidently, it takes an important predator out of your home as well. The longer a spider stays in your room, the more benefits it offers. You will notice a decrease in the population of bothersome insects like flies, moths, and mosquitoes.

What If I Don't Want The Spider To Stay In My Room? 

Despite being very beneficial and unostentatious, most people naturally fear spiders and don't consider them the best roommates.

Perhaps you have arachnophobia and truly can't stand spiders in your room, or maybe you're allergic to bug bites? In that case, getting rid of spiders in your room is the best option.

Consider taking a humane approach when getting rid of spiders in your room. Instead of killing them, you can always sweep spiders out or, even better, capture the pest and release it outdoors. It will find another place to go- a win-win for both parties.

As stated earlier, you will need to get rid of spider attractants in your room, or else the pests are bound to reinfest over and over again. Consider getting rid of insects in your room, sealing any possible entry points, de-cluttering under your bed, and vacuuming floors regularly to render your room unattractive to spiders.

Does Killing A Spider Attract More?

Some people are afraid that killing spiders will attract other spiders into their rooms.

This idea is due to some types of bugs, for instance, roaches and ants, that attract other members of their colony when they die. The dead ant/roach releases an acidic pheromone, communicating to its allies of potential danger and encouraging them to round up to deal with the threat.

Conversely, spiders are not a social pest, and they don't live in colonies like ants do. They are mostly individualists who prefer a solitary life. And besides the fact that spiders don't release the said pheromone, none of them would happily jump in to help out their cousin in case of danger.

However, a dead spider can indirectly attract other spiders. These opportunistic arachnids use their dead friend's carcasses as a potential food source. Well, not directly because spiders don't eat dead insects. Instead, the dead spider becomes food for other insects, which in turn attracts spiders into your room.


Will A Spider Remember Me If I Scare It Away? 

Although spiders are intelligent, most of them don't have good eyesight. They rely on other signals to detect prey and sense danger, for instance, vibrations in their web. So, the idea of a spider remembering you doesn't really make practical sense.

The good news is that a spider will not remember you or come back to revenge. It can, however, come back if its web remained intact in your room. Therefore, you are strongly advised to get rid of all spider webs in your room. You can achieve this by vacuuming your entire room regularly and thoroughly. 

How To Keep Spiders Away From Your Room

The best way to avoid spider problems is by preventing the pest from getting in your room in the first place. 

Consider the following effective ways to keep spiders away from your room: 
  • DIY methods: Some DIY methods, for instance, spraying peppermint oil or vinegar in spider activity areas, can help get rid of spiders in your room. Spiders cannot stand the smell of most essential oils and will be compelled to leave. 
  • Spider repellent sprays: The most effective sprays can help get rid of spiders in your room. However, some anti-bugs sprays may contain harmful and toxic ingredients that can harm your and your pets' health. Get a safe spray and treat the corners of your room, behind furniture and hidden areas. Do this from time to time and ensure the room is properly ventilated before sleeping in it.
  • Regular cleaning: Regularly vacuum your house at least once every week and keep it clean and tidy at all times. Eliminating clutter, books, and magazines that you don't need will reduce potential spider hiding spots. 
  • Set spider Traps: Spider traps are readily available over the counter and in most garden stores. Set sticky glue traps in spider activity areas, preferably where children and pets can't reach. Regularly check and change the traps for the best results. 

In Conclusion 

Spiders are a common household pest. How long will a spider stay in your room depends on numerous factors. For instance, how long you allow it to stay and reduce insect populations in your room. Alternatively, people afraid of spiders can decide to get rid of the pests as soon as they spot them in their room.

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