Can spiders survive hot water?

Spider infestations have people searching for all possible ways to kill them. That's because they are creepy, and while their looks freak most people out, their quick erratic movement will make anyone shudder. 

So, can spiders survive hot water? Probably not. Whether a spider will survive hot water or not boils down to how hot the water really is. Boiling water inflicts so much pain and anguish on the spider, and eventually, it will die-it's that cruel. 

Spiders have zero interest in trying to bite you. In fact, they eat insects like mosquitoes, flies, and moths. So why would you want to kill them by gratuitously inflicting such pain while you can humanely get rid of spiders? 

Meanwhile, there are countless natural ways to get rid of spiders and keep them away from your home. And of course, the easiest way to eliminate a spider invasion is by contacting a professional pest controller. 

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Can Spiders Die From Water?

Much like any other pests, spiders need to drink water for survival. That explains why you often see them in your bathroom. Generally, spiders are not afraid of water. In fact, some species are very well capable of swimming. A good swimmer is the Diving Bell Spider that spends most of its life underwater and only dashes to the surface once every day to catch some air. 

Most spiders are aquatically adept. They have a low metabolic rate. Hence they do not need as much oxygen as humans do to survive. If you submerge them in water, spiders can survive for about an hour before drowning. 

So putting a spider in water is not a guarantee that it will die. It will survive if it manages to escape from the sewage system into which you flushed it down on time. 

The difference comes in when you use boiling water or a strong water force. For instance, The strong force from a blast of water will break through their exoskeleton and smash their organs, resulting in death. 

Hot and scalding water has nearly the same impact on spiders as it has on humans. Most spider species cannot propel themselves through water, making them poor swimmers. If you submerge a spider in boiling water, it will suffer long enough before it can die.

Can Spiders Die From Heat?

Most spiders are generally adapted to hot and dry conditions. That's why they prefer to build their webs in garages, basements, and other places that can get pretty hot. 

But the heat in the basement doesn't equate to that of boiling water. So no, you won't be making spiders any happier by putting them in hot water- shun that thought.


What Temperatures Kill Spiders?

Spiders originate from warmer climates, but some temperatures can be extreme, and the poor pest won't stand a chance. Generally, spiders can survive up to 110-120 degrees Fahrenheit without risking their health or life. 

Any temperatures above this will potentially kill the pest. For instance, it will die if it gets trapped in an extremely hot oven or walks on an extremely hot stovetop. 

Do Spiders Explode In Hot Water?

If you ask most people, they'll tell you that when you submerge a spider in hot water, pressure builds up so much so that the exoskeleton bursts open, causing the spider to die- but that's far from the truth! 

Spiders cope with heat better than any human can. So there are high chances that it will survive hot water. Actually, if you pour hot water on a spider, the worst that can happen to it is confusion. It will wonder what the hell is going on all of a sudden. 

However, if the water is boiling, the poor creature will most definitely die. But does it really deserve this?

Will Water Make Spiders Go Away?

Water can make spiders go away in different ways:

Spiders have an excellent memory. While pouring water on the pest won't kill it, it'll be sure to brush the water off and get away from that spot. They will always link the spot to something nasty that happened to them, and they won't return. 

The unbearable force from water, regardless of its temperature, will disorient the pest. In addition, the amount of pressure hitting its exoskeleton is too much and will damage it. Eventually, the spider will drown. 

Sometimes, fright or shock from an unexpected force of cold/hot water can kill the spider. Additionally, tiny spiders may have trouble coping with hot temperatures due to their tiny exoskeletons. While bigger spiders may withstand pressure and increased temperatures, smaller ones are highly likely to drown.


How To Get Rid Rid Of Spiders Naturally

Besides their strange alien looks, most spider species are harmless and indeed beneficial as they help eliminate pests from your home. Despite this, the thought of spiders lurking in homes is distressing for most people. 

Luckily, there are numerous natural and humane ways that you can use to get rid of spiders from your home:

  • Vinegar contains acetic acid that gives its sour aroma and flavor. Spiders are sensitive to this acid. So prepare a vinegar-water solution and spray around your home to get rid of spiders and keep them away. 
  • Spiders hate citrus. Put citrus fruits in places where spiders frequent to keep them out.
  • The smell of mint naturally repels spiders. Prepare a peppermint oil and water mixture and spray your home, targeting the spider-infested areas. 
  • Sprinkle cider chips in and out of your house to keep spiders away. 
  • Keep your home organized and clean at all times. Spiders are attracted to clutter and dusty areas. Organizing your home eliminates most if not all spider hiding spots. 

Professional Spider Control Services

There is only one way to control spiders effectively and be assured of a pest-free home. Pest control experts have been in the field for a long time. They know all the tricks and ways of spiders. 

Because numerous types of spiders can invade homes, the expert will inspect your entire property thoroughly to identify the species and determine the factors attracting them to your home. They will then draw the most effective and preventive treatment plan to exterminate the pest and prevent future spider reinfestations.

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Will spiders die in a hot car

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